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Thursday, February 24, 2011


During the weeks of 2/14-2/24, our class were assigned to make PSA. Our class split into groups of 4 to make PSA. My group was going to make a PSA about littering. We used a orange for an example to represent our PSA on littering. We were pretending that one of us were littering the orange peels peeled off  of the orange. Then we made some special effect and showed what you can do instead of throwing it on the floor.
  We wanted to make this PSA because we want to stop people from littering. Littering should not be allowed because it will pollute the ocean. The people from the San Francisco Film Society helped us a lot on our PSA a lot. They helped us on special effects on our PSA. I would like to thank the people from the SFFS for helping us on our PSA.        

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